Thirty days of thanks for procrastinators

A good friend of mine several years ago gave up complaining for Lent. She was an awesome, hilarious bitch-er of about things. Most of us doubted her ability to get all the way to Easter. Honestly, it was hard to imagine what she would even say if not complaining.

But you know what? She was true to her word. And it changed her for the better. Not complaining and saying thanks instead is so important.

I’m loving this November trend of people posting on Facebook and on blogs about what in their life they are thankful for, instead of the usually snark. (Here’s a great post from Another Housewife on the topic). Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday: A day that’s all about food, family and friends, but no worries about having to buy a gift.

Here are 30 or so things large and small I give thanks for, all at once, and on the last day of the month, with like 15 minutes left in the day. Because I need a deadline, people:

The weight of a baby in my arms; listening to my kids laugh together; a cup of hot tea in the morning; watching my kids play chase; having a job where I get paid to write; owning a house (well, the bank owns most of it now, but there’s hope); friends who will bake you a homemade pumpkin pie; smoothies for breakfast; the ability to run a half marathon (slowly); good health; friends who are beating cancer; working with so many crazy, creative people at the newspaper; curling up with a good book; that my 90-year-old grandmother is in good-enough health to enjoy Thanksgiving this year, after spending the last one in the hospital; holiday baking; healthy children; digging in the garden; food on the table; getting to see my parents be grandparents; my hideously ugly 70s afghan, crocheted by my Aunt Jennie a jillion years ago, which keeps me cozy in the winter; the library; listening to the birds while I pick up the paper in the morning; Texas sunsets; all months in Texas that are not August (okay, fine, not July or August. And maybe the early bit of September); rare naps; that I got to live in Hawaii for a few years; a great dad for my kids, who knows when I need a glass of wine; getting to visit a dear friend in Phoenix this year so we could let our little guys play together; our park.

Life has its pain-in-the-ass moments, but it is good. Really good.

What are you saying thanks for?

– Jen


Thirty days of thanks for procrastinators — 6 Comments

  1. Regarding your Thirty Days of Thanks– I am thankful for a wife who knows when I need a glass of wine and when I need two whole bottles of wine! I am thankful for my children and my Golden Retriever, Maggie. I am thankful for my education and that I started saving for retirement twenty years ago– that I realized I’d never win the lottery and that it was all up to me. All up to me? Yeah, I wasn’t smart like some folks– I failed to pick rich parents. You didn’t know you could do that? I assume you can because the kids of rich parents sure act like they caused the outcome. I am thankful for cardinals (red birds) and for hummingbirds. I am thankful for the dollar I gave my street-corner-“friend” this morning and I’m thankful that I’ll have one to give him tomorrow, too. I am thankful that my taste buds work so I can enjoy the flavors of good foods and desserts.

    • Love! Thanks so much for sharing. I am also thankful that my non-rich parents bugged me to get on the retirement savings bandwagon early. And we don’t have a dog, but Goldens are the best!

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